Summer is over!
Summer time is over, everything is closed in Les arcs and it's time now to think about what I could do for this autumn.
Should I go for a surf trip on the Atlantique coast, from Britany to Spain?
Should I work? (gloups)
Should I travel?
Should I keep flying?
It's probably what i'm going to do. Autumn is a nice period for a beginner because the thermal activity is less important, which means that would be easier to fly all day long in still quite good conditions. I'm buying a glider very soon ( the WAVE from AIRWAVE) and probably, I'll go back to my father's place near Grenoble to enjoy flying in St Hilaire du Touvet, a very famous spot for freeflying.
Every year, this village organises a festival where all the different kinds of flying are presents : montgolfiere (balloon), hand and para gliders, free falling, acrobatie and even a very pleasant dressed-pilots show. I advise you to go and have a look on the website .
If you like pictures, you should also go on this adress This is one of our students, 2 weeks ago, who put the pictures he took online.